About Us
Hi! I’m Pete Jones.
I launched this site back in 2008 as a hobby, never imagining how many passionate people in Des Moines would connect with it. Over time, it grew into something special, with more than 20 contributors helping the site thrive for over seven years.
So, what happened?
I started a family, and like many things, the site had to take a back seat.
But my love for this community is just as strong today as it was in 2016 when the site published its final post.
I hope you enjoy exploring and celebrating Des Moines through the content here. And if you’re inspired to contribute, I’d love to hear from you!
Become a Guest Author
For real! Our greatest asset the last time around was the differing perspectives from our authors. We’d love to have you. You can write or submit content in other formats. Interested? Click below.